A Matter of Life and Death...Who's REALLY entitled to use the drive-thru?

So, it's come to my attention, that only certain people are supposed to utilize the drive-thru. I honestly had no idea. It never once occurred to me that the drive-thru required any prerequisite other than being in a motorized vehicle. But this raises the question of what are the additional requirements?

Well, it depends on who you ask.

My husband has a friend who used to drive a cab. They were out and about one afternoon in our van, and were going to stop by and bring food(I use that term loosely here) home for the kids. As my huband pulled into line, his friend made the comment that it frustrated him when people who had large orders didn't just go in. He often would have a just a few minutes to grab lunch or dinner while working, and felt that the time consumption by these large order perpetrators was unreasonable.

So, let me get this straight. We are supposed to go inside, order, and walk back to the car juggling at the bare minimum;

6 drinks, usually balanced precariously on two trays
3 kids meals, frequently in unweildy boxes
2 large bags with the remaining orders
the pile of napkins and condiments that they just lay on top of the now head high heap to slide or blow off

Now, best case scenario, the kids are not with us. Worst case, we are also carrying one toddler, and trying to keep the rest of the brood from being flattened in the parking lot, which drivers seem to forget also contains pedestrians and kids who are driven to exceptional impatience at the prospect of dining with Creepy the Clown.

I'll be honest, I would be annoyed with something like a schoolbus full of kids, but if you can still fit onto a van, you're okay in my book.

On the other hand, my husband and I pulled into a drive thru once, just the two of us. It was hot, so we ordered two large cokes. The woman in the car behind us(probably a large order perp), said very clearly, with all the derision possible in such a statement, "Two large Cokes. You can get yo' lazy a$$ out th' car for two large Cokes."

Well then. Let's not dance around our feelings on the issue.

Truth be told, Rich and I still giggle about that one, and will say it whenever we go through just for drinks.

I can't help but wonder, has our lives as Americans become so petty and trite, that we can spare the energy to be concerned about the qualifications of our fellow drive thru users? Can't we all just get along?

To answer my own questions, yes, and I guess not.

posted by Mindy @