And for the Wild Animal Darwin Awards, I nominate...

The squirrel that got into the transformer box in our neighbor's back yard.

So, yesterday afternoon, me and my three youngest were sitting in the living room, while the baby napped. There was this very loud boom. Seriously loud, and sudden. I thought I might have to spend the evening picking eyelashes off the ceiling, it startled us all so bad.

At the same time, the power went out. Just, gone. So, like any small town person, I go out on my front porch, where all my neighbor's were hollering to one another, "Did you hear that?", etc.

I wander around to my back yard, where a few people are gathering, and I noticed the transformer box had had the lid partially pried off. About 18 inches away, was a very crispy squirrel. The local police officer was already on his radio, telling the power company.

I am the biggest animal lover EVER, but seriously, I crack up every time I think about that explosion. That squirrel never knew what hit him! I'd go take a picture, but I don't want to come off as weird to my neighbors.

Well, no more weird than I already do, what with the cloth diapers flapping on the line.

posted by Mindy @