Out of the Mouths of Babes...

It's really interesting to just sit and listen to your kids as they go about their business. My 6yo has a knack for mis-speaking, in a way that's pretty hilarious. For instance, not 5 minutes ago, he shouted excitedly, "Look! I came out of my butthole!" Now, what he actually meant, was that he came out of his bunny hole that he had made with my Boppy pillow and a blanket.

I may have mentioned that two days ago, DH and I both had the stomach flu. Since the kids still needed food and stuff, we called in backup, the inlaws. One of the things they brought with them was a 2 Liter of Diet Rite. Imagine our reaction when Ryan wanted to know if he could drink his diarrhea at the couch. I know, I know. It's almost too much. He actually said this twice.

Recently my 7 and 6yo's developed an interest in the original Creepshow movie. Their favorite was the one about "I want my cake!" I know there's some strong language, but I also know my kids know better than to use it. It was lost on me what my 3yo was absorbing until I heard him, in frustration, call one of his toys a "bitch". He didn't just use the word, he used it correctly. He spat it out with such hatred and vehemence, I had a hard time keeping a straight face.

So, there you have it, my dirty little secret. My kids live in a butthole, drink diarrhea, and have bitchy toys. I hope we aren't spoiling them.

posted by Mindy @