It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas...

Yep, 'tis the season. For the pinched faces, the shoving, the elbows, the people willing to drive over you to get your parking spot, which is at best a half mile away. Add to that the fact that the windchill has a negative sign in front of it, and the snow squeaks like styrofoam, and you've got the makings of a joyful season. Or, if nothing else, at least it's predictable.

On the other hand, I got to get out of the house today. For the first time in two weeks. You read that right. Due to a flat tire on the only car we have that will fit me and all the kids, I have been severely home bound. Pinched faces and thrown elbows notwithstanding, it was very nice to actually see OTHER PEOPLE. People who's orifices are not mine to maintain. You know what? Just forget I said that, it is a rather unpleasant mental image.

So, for the last two weeks, the highlights include, but are not limited to:
  1. Getting my new vacuum cleaner belt. The carpet was looking somewhat...disturbing.
  2. Having the stomach flu hit only 2 of us. Try having seven people under one roof get the flu, and you'll see what I mean.
  3. Getting the tire fixed. Merry Christmas to me.
  4. Getting a new tub of nutella. Have you tried this stuff? You really can't go wrong with something that lists sugar as it's first ingredient but can still claim the nutritional bonus of "50 hazelnuts per jar!" Put it on whole grain bread, and you have a breakfast of champions.
  5. Getting most of my Christmas shopping done online. See above regarding so called "Holiday Cheer" and the mobility of our van.
  6. Finding my favorite Christmas music CD. This almost makes up for the fact that I can't talk my family into a fake tree. I know, I know. As a teen we had to go get the tree the day after Thanksgiving, due to my irrepressible excitement. No more. I have become grinchy enough to rival Scrooge. I'd be happy to get the tree Christmas eve, and drag that sucker to the curb after Christmas dinner. Now that I have to run the vacuum over the sappy needles, keep the baby from drinking the water, the toddler from breaking the ornaments, and the older ones from knocking the whole damn thing over, it's somehow lost it's appeal. Yes, it smells good. So what? Lots of things smell good, that are a lot less of a pain in the ass.

So there you have it. My Grinchy-grinch take on trees. Wait 'til I go off on something that really ruffles my feathers.

posted by Mindy @