The World of Kid Risqué...

My 3yo son is a potty mouth. Literally. He sprinkles every sentence with words like "poopy", "buttcrack", and my personal favorite, "penis eater". I really do not know where it comes from. At least if it were cuss words, I'd have some assurance that he listens to me. Not that I'm a rabid cusser or anything, but a few slip out every now and again.

Furthermore, even if I cussed like a sailor, I truly believe that I've earned it. Like this morning. I went upstairs, and as I went by the kids' bathroom, I stuck my head in there because they tend to not flush. Why they can remember the promise of an ice cream cone three years ago, but not to flush the toilet, is beyond me. Imagine my surprise when upon peering in there, I saw that someone had thrown up in there. A lot. In fact, I'd wager none of it got in the toilet, blocked as it was by the lid and all. See, now right there, I've earned a few expletives. And not the grade school kind, either. Nope. I've earned carte blanche use of The Big Guns. You know which ones I mean.

Or like right now. Everything I just wrote got munched. So I've had to type all of this twice. NOT HAPPY. I was far too cool in high school to take typing, so, for clarification, I've had to hunt and peck all of this twice. Yep, lookin' cool now.

posted by Mindy @